City of Ghosts is a 2002 drama film cowritten, directed by and starring Matt Dillon, about a con artist who must go to Cambodia to collect his share of money from an insurance scam. The film was made in Cambodia, in locations that include Phnom Penh and the Bokor Hill Station.
Once in Bangkok, Jimmy meets Joseph Kaspar Skarsgrd, a partner in the scheme whos living with his Thai katoey companion Rocky Kyoza. Joseph informs Jimmy that Marvin has moved on to Cambodia, where hes planning an even greater scam. So Jimmy sneaks across the border and makes his way to Phnom Penh.He checks into a seedy hotel run by a Frenchman named Emile Grard Depardieu and has his passport stolen by another traveller. Later Jimmy has his sunglasses stolen by a macaque monkey. ........
Source: Wikipedia