Clarence 13X

Clarence Edward Smith , better known by his assumed names Clarence16013X and Allah, was an American religious leader who founded the FivePercent Nation, a group that split from the Nation of Islam . He was born in Virginia, and moved to New York City as a young man before serving in the United States Army during the Korean War. After returning to New York, he learned that his wife had joined the NOI and followed her, taking the name Clarence16013X. He served in the group as a security officer, martial arts instructor, and student minister before leaving for an unclear reason in 1963. He enjoyed gambling, which was condemned by the NOI, and disagreed with the NOIs teachings that Wallace Fard Muhammad was a divine messenger.

Clarence Edward Smith was born on February16022, 1928, and raised in Danville, Virginia, with his five brothers and one sister. During his childhood, Virginia was racially segregated, and he witnessed incidents of racism, including a fight between his father and a white man that was sparked by racial tensions. In 1946, he moved with his mother to New York City, where they settled in Harlem. He attended only two years of high school.

Source: Wikipedia