
Clockwatchers is an American comedydrama film released in 1997. Directed by Jill Sprecher, it stars Parker Posey, Lisa Kudrow, Toni Collette and Alanna Ubach as temporary office staffers in an office complex. The four become misfit friends in an office environment where they are ignored and mistrusted by their coworkers.

A series of thefts occur in the office and suspicion falls on the temps, particularly Margaret. When Iris finds a plastic monkey inside Margarets desk that she had thought was stolen, Iris loses faith in Margaret and believes that she is the thief. Margaret suggests a oneday strike from work and her friends halfheartedly agree to join her, but on the appointed day Margaret is the only one who does not come to work. As a result, the companys officious head of human resources Debra Jo Rupp fires Margaret, and management micromanages the remaining three temps. Iris, Paula and Janes friendship comes to an end as result of the stress, and eventually they all go their separate ways. Paula is upset when she learns of Janes wedding from a newspaper article, and leaves to work in another department.It is later discovered that another employee a rich girl who was hired as a permanent employee after her first day was the thief and that Margaret simply had an identical toy in her desk. Iris confronts the thief when her diary disappears Iris later receives a new diary and note of apology. ........

Source: Wikipedia