Confessions of a Foyer Girl is a 1978 short film created by Aardman Animations. It is part of the Animated Conversations series. In this short, creators David Sproxton and Peter Lord applied the groundbreaking technique of using recorded conversations of real people as the basis for the script.
Peter and David had always thought there was an adult audience for animated films, and in 1978 made two short films using reallife soundtracks, for BBC Bristol under the guidance of Colin Thomas. Although these two films Down and Out and Confessions of a Foyer Girl were disregarded by the BBC they were seen a couple of years later by Jeremy Isaacs who was creating the shape of the newly formed Channel Four. This led directly to the commissioning of five similarly constructed films Conversation PiecesImdb explains Viewers are treated to another Confessions film, this time about the girl who actually works in the cinema. ........
Source: Wikipedia