Creature from the Haunted Sea is a 1961 comedy horror film directed by Roger Corman. Written by Charles B. Griffith, the film is a parody of spy, gangster, and monster movies mostly The Creature from the Black Lagoon, concerning a secret agent, XK150 played by Robert Towne under the pseudonym Edward Wain, who goes under the code name Sparks Moran in order to infiltrate a criminal gang led by Renzo Capetto Antony Carbone, who is trying to transport a colonel, a group of exiled Cuban nationals, and a large portion of the Cuban treasury out of the country.
The film was shot in Puerto Rico backtoback with two other Corman productions, The Last Woman on Earth and Battle of Blood Island, from a script that had previously been filmed as Naked Paradise and Beast from Haunted Cave. Griffith rewrote the script to accompany both the locations Corman was shooting on and a comedic storytelling approach, as opposed to the previous versions of the script, which had been straightforward.In 1959, following the completion of The Little Shop of Horrors, Roger Corman assembled a small cast and crew and arrived in Puerto Rico to direct The Last Woman on Earth and produce a World War II film titled Battle of Blood Island. According to Corman, I had discovered that tax incentives were available if you manufactured in Puerto Rico. That included making movies. When Corman still had unused footage left over from The Last Woman on Earth, he decided to make another film. ........
Source: Wikipedia