Daddy Long Legs (1919 film)

DaddyLongLegs is a 1919 silent comedydrama film directed by Marshall Neilan, and based on Jean Websters novel DaddyLongLegs. The film stars Mary Pickford.

Years later, wealthy Jervis Pendleton, a mysterious benefactor, pays to send Judy, now the oldest and most talented child in the orphanage, to college. He insists, however, that Judy must never try to contact him in person. Judy calls him DaddyLongLegs, and writes to him, however. Judy proves popular with her wealthier and more aristocratic classmates, and writes a successful book to repay DaddyLongLegs the money he spent on her. She is generally happy but misses not having any real family members to take pride in her accomplishments. Judy also finds herself caught up in a romantic triangle with the older brother of a classmate and an older man who is, unknown to her, her mysterious benefactor. She eventually chooses the older suitor and is delighted to learn that he is her DaddyLongLegs.

Source: Wikipedia