Danger: Diabolik

Danger Diabolik Italian Diabolik is a 1968 ItalianFrench action film directed by Mario Bava based on the Italian comic character Diabolik. The film is about a criminal named Diabolik John Phillip Law who plans largescale heists for his girlfriend Eva Marisa Mell. Diabolik is trailed in pursuit from Inspector Ginco Michel Piccoli who blackmails the gangster Ralph Valmont Adolfo Celi into catching Diabolik for him.

After an armored car leaves the bank with tenmillion dollars, it is attacked on route by Diabolik John Phillip Law who manages to steal the money and escape with his partner Eva Kant Marisa Mell. Leaving the money in their underground hideout, Diabolik and Eva attend a press conference held by the Minister of the Interior which they disrupt by releasing laughing gas. Due to the high level of crime, the death penalty is brought back. The police cannot find Diabolik but gang leader Valmont Adolfo Celi suffers at their hands because of a clampdown due to Diaboliks actions. Realising things can get only worse because of Diaboliks crime spree, Valmont contacts Inspector Ginco Michel Piccoli and makes a bargain to catch Diabolik alive for the police. In his hideout, Diabolik decides to steal the famous Aksand emerald necklace for Evas birthday from the Saint Just Castle. Valmont builds up an identikit picture of Eva and circulates it as a means of capturing Diabolik. Diabolik scales the walls of Saint Just Castle where he finds the police are waiting, Diabolik manages to steal the necklace by fooling the police officers with mirrors on the road and dummy decoys of himself.Valmont has made further plans to lure Diabolik out of hiding by having one of his henchmen kidnap Eva. To rescue her, Diabolik boards Valmonts airplane, along with the ten million dollars and emerald necklace as a trade for Eva. Diabolik is ejected from the plane but manages to grab Valmont just after his plane explodes from a bomb that Diabolik had placed earlier. Diabolik manages to rescue Eva as the police close in on them. Eva makes her escape as Diabolik kills Valmont, is trapped and takes a golden capsule. The police find Diabolik and proclaim him dead. Later while the police are holding a conference on the death of Diabolik, he is about to be autopsied when he returns to life. Diabolik reveals that he has faked his death through a technique taught to him by Tibetan lamas. However, If he does not

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