Detention of the Dead is a 2012 zombie comedyhorror film written and directed by Alex Craig Mann based upon the Rob Rinow stage play of the same name. Filming began in Spring 2011. It had a small theatrical release in L.A. on June2013, and went to DVD on July 23.
In the school corridors the group discover a widescale zombie outbreak with all the other students now undead. They decide to barricade themselves in the school library believing no one would ever go there. Mrs. Rumblethorp eventually dies and reanimates, causing the group to restrain her as Ash decapitates her with a paper cutter. Some time later, the group decide to search the library for available information on zombies. While searching the book stacks, the librarian attacks and bites Jimmy, before Brad kills the zombie. Eddie and Willow argue that they must kill Jimmy before he becomes a zombie, but Brad remains confident that his friend can survive his bite, quickly revealed to be denial from previously being bitten by Mrs. Rumblethorp on the finger himself. However, Jimmy accepts his fate and jumps out a window where he is eaten by a group of zombies.As the group panic at their situation, Ash convinces the group to smoke weed to calm their nerves. While doing so, the group bond, learning more about each other, challenging their original highschool stereotypes, which they list openly the nerd Eddie, the social outcast and goth Willow, the popular, selfinvolved cheerleader Janet, the jock Brad and the stoner Ash. The group are attacked by the zombies and narrowly manage to remain safe within the library. Realizing the barricades will not hold, Brad, Willow and Ash decide to escape through the vents while Eddie and Janet remain in the library. While in the vents, the group discover zombified rats who eat Ash, before the vent breaks, leaving Willow and Brad stranded in the halls of the school. They arm themselves with Ashs severed legs and begin to fight through the hordes of zombies back to the library. Meanwhile, Janet convinces Eddie to take her virginity, but the pair are interrupted by Willow and Brad. ........
Source: Wikipedia