Dhag Marathi , meaning Blaze is an Indian Marathi film directed by Shivaji Lotan Patil. The story of the film is of a young boy wanting to break the successions of traditional jobs in his low caste family. The film was released onMarch 2014, by DAR Film Distributors. Initial Public Relation activity was done by Ram Kondilkar then its marketing amp PR for the film was done by Newsmax Multimedia Pvt. Ltd. The film was released in national amp international film festivals.
Dhag is the story of Krishna, his mother and their seemingly ambitious aspirations for Krishna, against the backdrop of their socioeconomic standing.Raised by a father who cremated people for a living, Krishnas mother always wanted him to pave a path for himself that takes him away from the sorrows and hardship of his legacy. While his fathers untimely death opens the gates of opportunity for young Krishna, the plight of his widowed helpless mother reels him back to his origins. Dhag captures the moments, trials and tribulations of young Krishna along the journey. ........
Source: Wikipedia