Dhai Akshar Prem Ke

Dhaai Akshar Prem Ke English Two and half letters of Love is a 2000 Bollywood romantic drama film. It was the first of seven films in which currently married couple Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai starred together. The film is a remake of the 1995 Hollywood film A Walk in the Clouds.

The fake husband is an army captain, Karan. The two meet after Karan saves Sahiba from a group of men who are trying to kill her Sahiba explains that she witnessed a murder, and the murderer sent his men after her. Karan decides to escort her safely home. Once home, the family mistakes Karan for Sahibas presumed husband, and Karan and Sahiba try but fail to tell the truth. Sahibas family take a great liking to Karan. Sahibas father, however, does not. At first, Karan is anxious to leave and go meet his friend Nisha, who he has fallen in love with but has not seen for a year. However, being an orphan, Karan soon gets carried away by the love and affection Sahibas family showers him with. Meanwhile, Sahiba falls in love with Karan. Following a misunderstanding in which the family celebrates Sahibas and Karans pregnancy which did not occur, Karan decides that he should walk out. Before he can, a distressed Sahiba tells Karan that she loves him and begs him not to leave. He leaves anyway.Upon meeting Nisha, he discovers that she has already married and had never taken him for more than a friend. Yogi, who had finally taken a liking to Karan after learning of the pregnancy, is angry that Karan left and even more angry when Sahiba tells him that she and Karan were never married. Karan is overcome with grief and guilt for having left Sahiba for Nisha when Nisha did not love him. In his shock, Karan also discovers that he has fallen in love with Sahiba but had been too focused on Nisha to realize it. He decides to go back to Sahibas house and apologize. Upon entering, Yogi berates him and after revealing that he has arranged Sahibas engagement to another man, tells Karan to never come back. ........

Source: Wikipedia