Di%C3%A9b%C3%A9do Francis K%C3%A9r%C3%A9

Dibdo Francis Kr is an awardwinning architect based in Berlin, Germany at Kr Architecture. Born in the village of Gando in Burkina Faso, he was the first child in the village to be sent to school. Since qualifying as an architect at the Technical University of Berlin he has been designed award winning projects in Burkina Faso, Mali, Yemen and China, including the construction of a number of school buildings the village of his birth. He is a tenured professor at Harvard University and founder of the Association Schulbausteine fr Gando.

Kr was born in the village of Gando. He was the first child in the village to be sent to school as his father, the village chief, wanted his eldest son to learn how to read and translate his letters. Since no school existed in Gando, Kr had to leave his family when he wasyears old to live with his uncle in the city. After finishing his education, he became a carpenter and received a scholarship from the Carl Duisberg Society to do an apprenticeship in Germany as a supervisor in development aid. After completing the apprenticeship, he went on to study architecture at the Technical University of Berlin, graduating in 2004.

Source: Wikipedia