Do as I Say

Do As I Say is a 2008 documentary film based on the novel by Peter Schweizer titled Do as I Say Not as I Do Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy. The book, an eightweek New York Times bestseller, was adapted for the screen by writer and director Nick Tucker. As the books title indicates, several outspoken leftwing politicians and other public figures are profiled, and evidence is presented for the alleged hypocrisy seen in the disparity between what the individuals do and what they advocate publicly.

Al Gore, for example, who insists that Americans drastically reduce their carbon footprint, is shown to use nearly twenty times the amount of electricity as an average American household.Michael Moore, staunch anticapitalist is shown to have significant investments in the stock market, including stock in companies like Halliburton, Pfizer, Merck, and other companies he vilifies in his films. When Tucker brings a cake to Moores residence to discuss the matter with him in person, Moore calls the police instead. ........

Source: Wikipedia