Dominique GonzalezFoerster is a French artist and an influential figure in international contemporary art. She is known for her great variety of work in video projection, photography, and spatial installations. She has worked in landscaping, design, and writing. I always look for experimental processes. I like the fact that at the beginning I dont know how to do things and then, slowly, I start learning. Often exhibitions dont give me this learning possibility anymore.
Dominique GonzalezFoerster was born in Strasbourg, France in 1965. At the age of 17, she worked as a museum guard in Grenoble while studying at the cole du Magasin of the National Centre of Contemporary Art in Grenoble. She also studied at the Institute des Hautes tudes en Arts Plastiques, in Paris. She began her career as an artist in the 1990s, working primarily in film. Her early work was mainly short, minimalistic and oneiric films. She now collaborates on everything from the writing of a science fiction novel with fellow artist Philippe Parreno to working with rock singer Alain Bashung on set design. She has also collaborated with fashion house Balenciaga in designing displays for their fashion boutiques in New York and Paris. She has even designed a house for a collector in Tokyo.
Source: Wikipedia