Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands Portuguese Dona Flor e Seus Dois Maridos is a 1976 comedy film directed by Bruno Barreto. Based on the novel of the same name by Jorge Amado, it takes place in 1940s Bahia. It stars Snia Braga, Jos Wilker and Mauro Mendona in the leading roles. The screenplay was adapted by Barreto, Eduardo Coutinho and Leopoldo Serran.
Vadinho Jos Wilker, Flors irresponsible husband, drops dead while dancing in a street carnival party. Only Flor Snia Braga expresses remorse after his death. Flors friends and family see Vadinhos death as a chance for Flor to find happiness after the misery brought upon her by Vadinhos spendthrift ways and near total lack of respectability. Roughly the first half of Dona Flor recounts Flors marriage with Vadinho in an extended flashback. What is made clear is that Vadinho was a great lover who admired his wifes respectability, but enjoyed protracted foreplay until she begged him to continue. He might not paint the house or leave her savings alone, but he changed this inhibited girl into a wife who experienced carnal joy regularly.The second half of Dona Flor involves Flors meeting the respectable but extraordinarily dull pharmacist Teodoro Mauro Mendona, his courtship of her, and her marriage to him. Flors friends consider Teodoro the exact opposite of Vadinho. Teodoro belongs in superior circles within Bahias society, dresses elegantly, and treats Flor like a lady. What Flors friends do not know is that Teodoro is also the opposite of Vadinho in one more respect in bed, Teodoro is as lacking as Vadinho was accomplished. ........
Source: Wikipedia