Doppelganger (2003 film)

Doppelganger , Dopperugeng? is a 2003 Japanese black comedy film directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa, starring Koji Yakusho, Hiromi Nagasaku and Yusuke Santamaria.

Whilst arriving home from work, hes startled to find himself waiting on his doorstep. He soon sees its not him, but a man whos the splitting image of him. Fearing hes having a mental breakdown, he wonders whether a legend that says one is destined to die soon after seeing own doppelganger may be true. His apparent twin also Koji Yakusho smoothly assures him that he has nothing to fear. Hes a doppelganger. Bemused, Hayasaki invites him to his home.He eventually notices that while his doppelganger is identical to his looks, mannerisms and speech, the doppelgangers personality and attitude are drastically different from his own. Where hes too timid to get what he wants, his doppelganger has no qualms in getting what it wants. Where hes too afraid to speak out, his doppelganger speaks its mind. Where hes moderate with drinking, the doppelganger indulges heavily. Where hes detailoriented, it doesnt pay much attention to details as its more concerned with the end result. ........

Source: Wikipedia