Dr. Christian Meets the Women

Dr. Christian Meets the Women is a 1940 American film directed by William C. McGann, one of the series of six Dr. Christian films featuring Jean Hersholt.

The professor starts teaching the women about strict diet being the best road to selfsatisfaction. Dr. Christian, on the other hand, begins to warn the women about the dangers with wholesale diets, claiming that all diets should be tailored to fit the individual and advising the women not to listen to the professor.The professors teachings result in the disruption of the town womens eating routines. They also disrupt the peace and quiet in the Browning family life, causing Mrs. Browning and her husband to argue about the professors teachings and intrusions on the town life. The Brownings daughter, Kitty, has taken an interest in the professors assistant, Bill Ferris, and started an extreme diet to seem more pleasing to him. Kitty soon collapses from starvation. Dr. Christian claims the professor is a fraud and a charlatan. The town doesnt listen to his warnings. ........

Source: Wikipedia