Dragon Ball: The Magic Begins

Dragon Ball The Magic Begins Chinese pinyin Xn q lng zh Shn lng de chun shu lit. New Dragon Ball Legend of Shenlong, also released as or Dragon Ball Ultimate Edition, is an unofficial liveaction remake of the first Dragon Ball feature film Curse of the Blood Rubies, made in 1986. The plot revolves around a ragtag group of heroes, led by Son Goku Monkey Boy in the English dubbed version trying to stop the antagonist named King Horn from using the wishgranting Dragon Balls to rule the world.

In order to conquer mankind and rule the universe, King Horn sets out to find all seven of the Dragon Pearls. With two of the seven already in the evil kings possession, it is now up to the remaining five owners of the pearls Son Goku Son Gohan is the owner, Son Goku is his adopted grandson, Piggy, La Ping, Turtle Man and Seetoe to destroy King Horn and his two powerful warriors, Zebrata and Maria, before it is too late.

Source: Wikipedia