Earl Forrest Rose was an American forensic pathologist, professor of medicine, and lecturer of law. Rose was the medical examiner for Dallas County, Texas, at the time of the assassination of John F. Kennedy and he performed autopsies on J. D. Tippit, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Jack Ruby. At the insistence of Kennedys aides, he stepped aside and allowed Kennedys body to be removed from Parkland Memorial Hospital without performing an autopsy.
Rose was born in Eagle Butte, South Dakota, on September 23, 1926, to Foresta cowboy and rodeo rider and Lena Berghuis Rose. He grew up on a remote ranchmiles from Eagle Butte on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation. Rose was reported to have ridden his horse five miles to get to school. According to his memoirs, he attended one room country grade schools before going to high school in Eagle Butte.
Source: Wikipedia