Delirious 1983 is an American standup comedy television special directed by Bruce Gowers, written by and starring Eddie Murphy. The comedy became a TV Special for HBO released August 30, 1983. The 70minute film became Eddie Murphys first feature standup film, becoming the predecessor to the wide theactrical release in 1987, Eddie Murphy Raw. The standup was also released as an album on October 24, 1983 titled Eddie Murphy Comedian, which won Grammy for Best Comedy Album at the 1984 Grammy Awards.
Eddie Murphy had been doing standup comedy routines since he was 15, and was heavily influenced by Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor. He gained a skill for impressions at a much younger age. Much of his early success revolved around talent shows, one of which he impersonated Al Green. After repeating the 10th and graduating as the most popular kid in school, he enrolled into Nassau Community College and began work as a shoe store clerk. He performed in local clubs and eventually worked his way to popular New York City venues.After joining NBCs, Saturday Night Live in 1980, and was skyrocketed into the starlight. He became even bigger after the Buckwheat skit in 1981. He starred in his first motion picture role in 1982, titled 48 Hrs.. He also recorded his first live comedy album in 1982. Afterwards he began to put together a TV standup special for HBO. He wrote the routine himself, and threw on a red leather boiler suit. He entered the stage on August 3, 1983, and performed for a little over one hour and five minutes. ........
Source: Wikipedia