Eight Crazy Nights is a 2002 American adult animated musical Christmas black comedy drama film directed by Seth Kearsley and produced, cowritten by and starring Adam Sandler, in his first voiceacting role. Unlike most mainstream holiday films, it centers on Jewish characters during the Hanukkah season, as opposed to religious or secular celebration of Christmas. Despite being animated in the style of television Christmas specials, the film is adult oriented, featuring significant scatological humor, and focusing on such topics as alcoholism, bereavement, and depression.
In the small town of Dukesberry, New Hampshire, Davey Stone is a 33yearold alcoholic troublemaker with a long criminal record, whose antics have long earned him the animosity of the town. Davey is arrested for refusing to pay his bill at Mr. Changs Chinese restaurant and, while attempting to evade arrest Daveys Song, destroying a giant MenorahSanta ice sculpture in the process. At Daveys trial, Whitey Duvall, a 70yearold volunteer referee from Daveys former basketball league, who is himself a laughingstock of the community because of his slight senility and often disturbing, childlike tendencies, intervenes and comes forward at his trial. The judge, at Whiteys suggestion, sentences Davey to community service as a refereeintraining for Whiteys Youth Basketball League. Under the terms of the community service, if Davey commits a crime before his sentence is completed, he will be sentenced to ten years in prison.The next day, Davey referees his first game, which ends in disaster. After Davey causes disruptions, Whitey suffers a grand mal seizure, and the game is abruptly brought to an end. Attempting to calm Davey down, Whitey takes him to the mall, where they meet Jennifer Friedman, Daveys childhood girlfriend, and her 11yearold son, Benjamin. Though Whitey reminds him that he lost his chance with her twenty years earlier, Davey still finds himself attracted to Jennifer. ........
Source: Wikipedia