Ekskul is an Indonesian thriller film released in 2006, starring Ramon Y Tungka, Sheila Marcia, Indra Brasco, written by Eka D. Sitorus and directed by Nayato Fio Nuala. The movie is about a highschool student who is constantly bullied at school and abused by parents at home, had enough and took several other students hostage.
Most of the film consist of flashbacks, depicting the events leading to the current situation. Some of these include Joshua being beaten by the school gang and his own father, being hanged by his collar from the school gate, and having his face shoved down the toilet.The flashbacks also show his brief relationship with Cathy Metha Yunatria, a popular student, and Sabina Sheila Marcia, a beautiful but introverted girl who sympathized with him. ........
Source: Wikipedia