El Esp%C3%ADritu de mi Mam%C3%A1

El Espritu de mi Mam The Spirit of my Mother is a Spanish language feature film by Ali Allie about Garifuna womans journey home to Honduras to embrace her cultural roots. It premiered at SXSW in 1999 and later at Dawn Breakers International Film Festival. It was released on DVD in 2002 by Vanguard Cinema and was the first fictional movie featuring Garifuna actors in leading roles. It features an extended religious ritual segment with traditional Garifuna songs and traditional punta dance.

An altogether original take on the motherdaughter story, The Spirit of My Mother El Espritu de Mi Mam is a unique film essay. Blending narrative and documentary techniques, director Alli tells the story of one womans quest to reach out to her mother, and to the ancestral traditions and endangered culture of the Garifuna. Heather Courtney, SXSW Film FestivalAn ethnographic dramatic debut which makes up in sincerity what it obviously lacked in available coin... paints vivid portrait of the culture Variety ........

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