Elektra (2005 film)

Elektra is a 2005 CanadianAmerican superhero film directed by Rob Bowman. It is a spinoff from the 2003 film Daredevil, starring the Marvel Comics character Elektra Natchios portrayed by Jennifer Garner. The story follows Elektra, an assassin whose weapon of choice is a pair of sai.

After being killed in Daredevil, Elektra Natchios is revived by a blind martial arts master called Stick. She is brought to his training compound to learn Kimagure, an ancient martial arts discipline that provides its practitioners with precognition as well as the ability to resurrect the dead. Elektra is soon expelled because of her inability to let go of her rage. She leaves and uses her training to become a contract killer.Years later, Elektra infiltrates a heavily guarded area, kills the guards, and manages to slay her target DeMarco. Elektras agent McCabe receives an unusually large offer from an anonymous client wishing to hire Elektras services. The only stipulation she must spend a few days in a rented home on the island where the assassination is to be performed before the names of the targets are revealed. During the wait, Elektra finds a girl Abby who tried to swipe Elektras necklace and Elektra sends her away. While meditating, Elektra meets and befriends Abbys father Mark Miller. Abby later invites Elektra to dinner on Marks behalf. Later that day, Elektra discovers that Abby, like Elektra herself, has obsessivecompulsive disorder. Elektra develops a romantic interest in Mark, but soon learns he and Abby are the targets she has been hired to kill. Elektra spares them and leaves, but later returns in time to protect them from assassins sent by The Hand, a crime syndicate of ninja mercenaries. ........

Source: Wikipedia