Elizabeth of Bosnia

Elizabeth of Bosnia was queen consort and later regent of Hungary and Croatia, as well as queen consort of Poland. Daughter of Ban Stephen160II of Bosnia, Elizabeth married King Louis160I of Hungary in 1353. In 1370, she gave birth to a longanticipated heir, Catherine, and became Queen of Poland when Louis succeeded his uncle, Casimir160III. The royal couple had two more daughters, Mary and Hedwig, but Catherine died in 1378. Initially a powerless consort with no substantial influence, Elizabeth then started surrounding herself with noblemen loyal to her, led by her favourite, Nicholas160I Garai. When Louis died in 1382, Mary ascended to the throne of Hungary with Elizabeth as regent. Unable to preserve the personal union of Hungary and Poland, the queen dowager secured the Polish throne for her youngest daughter, Hedwig.

The problem of the succession marked Louis reign. Elizabeth was long considered barren, and a succession crisis was expected after the childless kings death. Her brotherinlaw Stephen was heir presumptive until his death in 1354, when his son John replaced him. However, John also died in 1360. A daughter was born to the King and Queen in 1365, but the child died the next year. For a few years, Johns sister, Elizabeth, was treated as heir presumptive and a suitable marriage for her was being negotiated. Things suddenly took a different course when the Kings wife had three daughters in quick succession Catherine was born in July 1370, Mary in 1371, and Hedwig in 1373 or 1374. Elizabeth is known to have written a book for the education of her daughters, a copy of which was sent to France in 1374. However, all copies have been lost.

Source: Wikipedia