Elkhan Nuriyev

Elkhan Nuriyev is a political scientist and a leading scholar in Russian and postSoviet studies, including Caucasus, Central Asia and the Greater Middle East. He is an internationally renowned expert on Russian and Eurasian affairs. He publishes widely and conducts regular briefings at the request of the international organizations and thinktanks. He is frequently called on by government agencies, media, academic circles and privatesector institutions for comment on Russian foreign policy, Caucasus, Caspian Basin, Central Asia and regional security issues in postSoviet Eurasia. In 2014, Nuriyev was DAAD Senior Fellow at the German Council on Foreign Relations in Berlin. In 2015, he was Humboldt Senior Fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs in Berlin. He is a Global Energy Associate at the Brussels Energy Club.


Source: Wikipedia