End of the World (1931 film)

End of the World French La Fin du monde is a 1931 French science fiction film directed by Abel Gance based on the novel Omega The Last Days of the World by Camille Flammarion. The film stars Victor Francen as Martial Novalic, Colette Darfeuil as Genevieve de Murcie, Abel Gance as Jean Novalic, and Jeanne Brindau as Madame Novalic. The plot concerns a comet hurling toward Earth on a collision course and the different reactions people have to the impending disaster. Scientist Martial Novalic who discovers the comet, seeks a solution to the problem and becomes a fugitive after skeptical authorities blame him for starting a mass panic.

The film opens with Jean Novalic Abel Gance playing Jesus Christ in a passion play. Isabelle Bolin Sylvie Grenade attends with her boyfriend stock promoter Schomburg Samson Fainsilber who is entranced by the blonde actress playing Mary Magdalene, Genevieve de Murcie Colette Darfeuil. Genevieve defies her scientist father Monsieur de Murcie Jean dYd to propose to Jean, who tells her that they cannot marry. Back home, Genevieves father, jealous of the wealthy Martial Novalic Victor Francens fame, accepts money from Schomburg to build an observatory better than Novalics. Schomburg then announces his intention to court de Murcies daughter.As Jean aids a young woman being abused, he is accused of rape and is critically wounded by a blow to the head. Schomburg accompanies Genevieve to a fancy party, but takes her back to her apartment and rapes her. In his observatory, Martial detects the Lexells Comet is on a collision course with Earth. Jean himself begins to predict a coming apocalypse, and claims that the cataclysm has arrived to save the hearts of man. Martial confides to his colleagues that the comet will strike in 114 days. After Jean is taken to an asylum, Martial and Genevieve listen to his phonographs which instruct Genevieve to abandon her worldly life and help Martial inaugurate a new World Government. Jeans voice tells them they must marry and become the shepherd and shepherdess of humanity. Genevieve sees a vision of Jean as Christ. ........

Source: Wikipedia