Enrique Enr%C3%ADquez the Elder

Enrique Enrquez the Elder was a nobleman of Castile, natural son of the Infante Henry of Castile. He was Lord of La Puebla de los Infantes. His son, Enrique Enrquez the Younger, had a distinguished career serving kings Alfonso XI of Castile and Peter of Castile.

The exact date of birth of Enrique Enrquez is not known. Some authors say he was born in Andalusia around 1246. Others think he was born in Italy during one of the periods when the Infante Henry was staying there. There is some doubt about his paternity, since the Infante Henry did not name him or his mother in his will, despite naming many of his servants. OnJuly 1253 his uncle, Alfonso X of Castile the Wise, gave Enrique Enrquez the lordship of La Puebla de los Infantes, in the present province of Seville.

Source: Wikipedia