Ernst Gabor Straus was a GermanAmerican mathematician of Jewish origin who helped found the theories of Euclidean Ramsey theory and of the arithmetic properties of analytic functions. His extensive list of coauthors includes Albert Einstein, Paul Erds, Richard Bellman, Bla Bollobs, Sarvadaman Chowla, Ronald Graham, Lszl Lovsz, Carl Pomerance, and George Szekeres.
Straus was born in Munich, February 25, 1922, the youngest of five children of a prominent Zionist attorney, Elias Straus, and his wife Rahel Straus ne Goitein, a medical doctor and feminist. Ernst Gabor Straus came to be known as a mathematical prodigy from a very young age. Following the death of his father, the family fled the Nazi regime for Palestine in 1933, and Straus was educated at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Although he never received an undergraduate degree, Straus began graduate studies at Columbia University in New York, earning a PhD in 1948 under F. J. Murray. Two years later, he became the assistant of Albert Einstein. After a threeyear stint at the Institute for Advanced Study, Straus took a position at the University of California, Los Angeles, which he kept for the rest of his life. Straus died July 12, 1983 of heart failure.
Source: Wikipedia