Expresso is a 10minute British comedy short film, directed by Martin Nigel Davey and Kevin Powis. Consisting of eight microfilms involving the characters that frequent one table during one day in a British coffee house.
Expresso is a series of eight microstories, that develop the viewer as they watch the visitors during one day, to one table in a typical UK coffee shopThe film was an idea of producer and actor Martin Nigel Davey who described it as Breakfast with DeNiro set in a coffee shop. He also told Kevin Powis about several other ideas that could take place in this setting, after which the decision was made to give other people the chance to collaborate. They put out a call for stories and quickly received over 150 submissions from which they chose the eight best entries which Powis worked into a screenplay they could use to request funding. The appointed script advisor from UK Film Council liked the script and the duo was given a budget of 8,500. Screen West Midlands also supported the film. ........
Source: Wikipedia