Eyewitness is a 1981 thriller film produced and directed by Peter Yates and written by Steve Tesich. It stars William Hurt, Sigourney Weaver, Christopher Plummer and James Woods. The story involves a television news reporter and a janitor who team up to solve a murder.
She keeps after him for information, a pursuit Daryll allows because he is romantically interested in Tony, and a cat and mouse game ensues. This convinces the real killers that Daryll does know vital information about the murder, so he and Tony end up with their lives in danger over this false assumption.The news equipment and promotional posters actually belonged to the real television station, WNEWTV in New York, now known as the Fox ownedandoperated TV station WNYW Fox 5. Several station employees cameod in the film. Sigourney Weaver, whose father Sylvester Pat Weaver had been a top network television executive, also worked for the station in order to gain experience. Today, both WNYW and the film are owned by Foxs corporate owner, 21st Century Fox. ........
Source: Wikipedia