Falling Down is a 1993 psychological thriller film directed by Joel Schumacher and written by Ebbe Roe Smith. The film stars Michael Douglas in the lead role of William Foster, a divorc and unemployed former defense engineer. The film centers on Foster as he goes on a violent rampage across the city of Los Angeles, trying to reach the house of his estranged exwife in time for his daughters birthday party. Along the way, a series of encounters, both trivial and provocative, cause him to react with violence and make sardonic observations on life, poverty, the economy, and commercialism. Robert Duvall costars as Martin Prendergast, an aging LAPD Sergeant on the day of his retirement, who faces his own frustrations, even as he tracks down Foster.
William Foster is an engineer, recently laid off in the early 90s recession, and under a restraining order keeping him away from his recently divorced wife Beth her and their child, Adele. Stuck in a traffic jam Foster abandons his car, planning to walk across Los Angeles to go home and attend Adeles birthday party. He repeatedly calls his exwife from a phone booth and runs out of change. Police Sergeant Martin Prendergast happens on the abandoned car, helping moving it off the road while musing about it being his last day before retirement.At a convenience store, Foster attempts to break a dollar bill for more phone calls, but the Korean owner refuses and demands Foster make a purchase instead. Foster argues with the owner over the cost of a Coke when he finds he cannot afford both, and the owner threatens Foster with a baseball bat. Foster takes the bat and destroys overpriced items to scold the owner for his high prices, then pays for the drink while leaving with the bat. ........
Source: Wikipedia