Fandango is a 1985 American film directed by Kevin Reynolds. It was originally a student film titled Proof made by Reynolds while he was attending USC film school. It was a parody of Greek life at his alma mater Baylor University. However, due to his fathers presidency at Baylor, he did not wish to portray the Baptist institution in an unfavorable light and gave it the alternative distinction as the University of Texas.
In 1971 at a fraternity house on the University of Texas campus in Austin, Texas, Gardner Barnes Kevin Costner is throwing darts at a picture of himself and his exgirlfriend Suzy Amis. He rejoins the graduation party going on downstairs, but not before tearing the picture in half.Gardner is a member of a clique called the Groovers, whose other members include Kenneth Waggener Sam Robards whos engaged to be married, and ROTC geek Phil Hicks Judd Nelson. Phils parents have come to town and to the fraternity house just in time to see another Groover named Lester Brian Cesak pass out. He remains unconscious for most of the film. They also meet the strong, quiet seminary student Dorman Chuck Bush. ........
Source: Wikipedia