Fandry is a 2013 Indian Marathilanguage film, written and directed by Nagraj Manjule in a directorial debut. It stars Somnath Avghade and Rajshree Kharat as the film leads. The story focuses on a romance amidst castebased discrimination. The film set in Akolner, a village near Ahmednagar is about a teenager from a Dalit lower caste family, who lives at the village fringe, and falls in love with an upper caste girl.
Fandry is a story of an intense revolt against caste discrimination by the most unexpected individual a 13yr old boy of innocence.Jabya Somnath Awghade, a preteen lives in a makeshift house on the outskirts of a caste segregated village with his parents andsistersone a widow with a toddler. The family belongs to a low caste community and earns its living by doing menial jobs. The boys father has a fearful and submissive personality which is exploited by the inland villagers. ........
Source: Wikipedia