Fantasia 2000 is a 1999 American animated film created by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Produced by Roy E. Disney and Donald W. Ernst, it is the 38th feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series and sequel to Fantasia 1940. Like its predecessor, Fantasia 2000 consists of animated segments set to pieces of classical music. A group of celebrities introduce each segment in live action scenes directed by Don Hahn, including Steve Martin, Itzhak Perlman, Quincy Jones, Bette Midler, James Earl Jones, Penn amp Teller, and Angela Lansbury.
The film begins with the sound of an orchestra tuning and Deems Taylors introduction from Fantasia. Panels showing various segments from Fantasia fly in outer space and form the set and stage for an orchestra. Musicians take their seats and tune up and animators draw at their desks before James Levine approaches the conductors podium and signals the beginning of the first piece.Fantasia is timeless. It may run 10,oryears. It may run after Im gone. Fantasia is an idea in itself. I can never build another Fantasia. I can improve. I can elaborate. Thats all. ........
Source: Wikipedia