Fernando Villalona, the first artist named El Mayimbe , is a Dominican merengue singer that began singing in the early 1970s, his popularity started to grow by the late 1970s and has not declined ever since. Fernando began singing at a very early age and became popular after participating in El Festival de la Voz, an amateur TV talent show. After that, merengue icon Wilfrido Vargas hired him to be part of his group Los Hijos del Rey but Fernando and the group would soon be separated after his popularity became larger than the group itself. He would then go into a period of drugs and isolation but never stopped singing, recording some of his best music during that period. In 2012, Villalona recorded El Color de tu Mirada with American singersongwriter Victoria Daly. The music video was directed by Rene Brea in the Dominican Republic. It went to be nominated for Best Music Video at the Soberano Awards in 2013. Villalona began recording two singles with Latin sensation, Olga Taon. Recordi
Source: Wikipedia