Flesh and Bone is a 1993 neo noir film drama written and directed by Steve Kloves that stars Meg Ryan, Dennis Quaid and James Caan. Gwyneth Paltrow is featured in an early role. Janet Maslin of the New York Times described Paltrow as a scenestealer who is Blythe Danners daughter and has her mothers way of making a camera fall in love with her.
Time passes, and Arlis Dennis Quaid lives a solitary life in which he drives a truckload of goods and novelties to restock vending machines and arcade games in roadside stores and restaurants. Making a stop at a roadhouse where a rowdy party is being held, he spots Kay Meg Ryan, a woman who pops up out of a cake at the party and then passes out because she had been imbibing liquor.Arlis ends up giving her a ride home, a long drive, while continuing to make his rounds. Upon coming home, Kay sees that her husband Reese has sold the furniture, having lost their money gambling. She packs up her remaining belongings and leaves with Arlis. They spend more time together and grow close. ........
Source: Wikipedia