Foodfight is a 2012 American computer animated adventure comedy film produced by Threshold Entertainment and directed by Larry Kasanoff. The film features the voices of Charlie Sheen, Wayne Brady, Hilary Duff, and Eva Longoria. It tells the story of brand mascots Ikes who come to life in a supermarket after closing time, and their struggles against the villainous forces of Brand X.
Foodfight takes place in the Marketropolis supermarket. After closing time, the supermarket transforms into a city in which all the citizens are personified wellknown marketing icons, A.K.A. Ikes. The story opens with the protagonist Dex Dogtective Charlie Sheen saving kittens before he tells his friend, Daredevil Dan Wayne Brady, that he is about to ask his girlfriend Sunshine Goodness Hilary Duff to marry him. However, Dan attempts to draw a picture of Dex proposing in the sky using the smoke exhaust from his plane but crashes and Sunshine goes to assist Dan before Dex can propose. Dan returns, but has no idea of what happened to Sunshine.Six months later, Mr. Clipboard Christopher Lloyd, the Brand X representative, arrives at Marketropolis to persuade the manager Ed Asner to stock products made by a large parent company known as Brand X. While there, he crushes some potato chips, which becomes a large topic of discussion with the Ikes. At the Copabanana, Dexs club, Dex talks to the Ike whose chips were stomped, before meeting the Brand X detergent Ike, Lady X Eva Longoria Parker. A fight breaks out, forcing Dex to order everybody out of his club. Lady X leaves with Dan. ........
Source: Wikipedia