Footloose is a 2011 American musical dance film directed by Craig Brewer. It is a remake of the 1984 film of the same name and stars Kenny Wormald, Julianne Hough, Andie MacDowell, and Dennis Quaid. The film follows a young man who moves from Boston to a small southern town and protests the towns ban against dancing.
After a long night of partying, Bobby Moore and four of his friends drink beer and drive over a bridge, not paying attention to the road. Their car crashes into a truck, killing all five of the teens. Bobbys father Shaw Moore Dennis Quaid, the reverend of the church of the small Southern United States town of Bomont, Georgia, persuades the city council to pass several paternalistic laws, including a ban on all unsupervised dancing within the city limits.Three years later, Ren McCormack Kenny Wormald, a teenager raised in Boston, moves to Bomont to live with his uncle, aunt, and cousins after his mothers death from leukemia and his father abandoning them. Soon after arriving, Ren makes friends with Willard Hewitt Miles Teller, a fellow senior at Bomont High, and from him learns about the ban on dancing. ........
Source: Wikipedia