Franti%C5%A1ek Muzika

Frantiek Muzika was a Czech artist and a prominent representative of avantgarde in Czechoslovakia in the first half of the 20th century. He was a member of Devtsil since 1921 and Mnes since 1923.

Muzika was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia. After finishing his study at the Academy of Arts, Prague in 1924, he received a oneyear scholarship from the French government for studying at cole des BeauxArts. In Paris he also received private lessons from Frantiek Kupka at his atelier. In Paris he met Max Jacob, who took him to meet Lonce Rosenberg. On Sundays he had regular meetings with Joseph Bernard, where he also met Maillol and Bissire, with whom he exhibited at Salon dAutomne. In 1925, after he returned from Paris, his experiences with the work of Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso led Muzika to change his style of painting.

Source: Wikipedia