Friday the 13th is a 2009 American slasher film written by Damian Shannon and Mark Swift, and directed by Marcus Nispel. The film is a reboot of the Friday the 13th film series, which began in 1980, and is the twelfth installment in the franchise. Nispel also directed the 2003 remake of Tobe Hoopers The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 1974. Shannon and Swift wrote the screenplay for the 2003 crossover Freddy vs. Jason. Friday the 13th follows Clay Miller Jared Padalecki as he searches for his missing sister, Whitney Amanda Righetti, who is captured by Jason Voorhees Derek Mears while camping in woodland at Crystal Lake.
On June 13, 1980, a young Jason Voorhees Caleb Guss watches as his mother Pamela Nana Visitor is beheaded by a camp counselor Stephanie Rhodes, who was trying to escape Mrs. Voorheess murder spree around Camp Crystal Lake. Almostyears later, a group of vacationing friendsWade Jonathan Sadowski, Richie Ben Feldman, Mike Nick Mennell, Whitney Amanda Righetti and Amanda America Olivoarrive at Crystal Lake on a camping trip to search for marijuana growing in the woods. That night, Jason Derek Mears, now an adult, begins to kill members of the group, but spares Whitney and abducts her because she resembles Pamela at a young age.Six weeks later, Trent Travis Van Winkle, his girlfriend Jenna Danielle Panabaker and their friends Chelsea Willa Ford, Bree Julianna Guill, Chewie Aaron Yoo, Nolan Ryan Hansen, and Lawrence Arlen Escarpeta arrive at Trents summer cabin on the shore of Crystal Lake. Meanwhile, Whitneys brother Clay Miller Jared Padalecki arrives at the lake to search for her. Clay visits Trents cabin, and Jenna agrees to help him search for Whitney. As they search, Jason kills Chelsea and Nolan while they are wakeboarding on the lake. Clay and Jenna reach the old Crystal Lake campgrounds where they see Jason hauling a body into the abandoned camp house. ........
Source: Wikipedia