Friendly Enemies

Friendly Enemies is a 1942 American drama film starring Charles Winninger, Charles Ruggles, James Craig, and Nancy Kelly. The film was directed by Allan Dwan, adapted from a play by Aaron Hoffman and Samuel Shipman. It was nominated an Academy Award in the category Sound Recording Jack Whitney.

Trying to find another way to help stop the war, Karl is an easy target for the cunning saboteur Anton Miller. Miller meets Karl posing as propaganda expert named George Stewart, and can persades Karl to donate 50,000 to the cause of stopping the war. The check will be ready for picking up the day after at Karls home on Manhattan. That same evening Karl attends a dinner in honor of Henry Block, who is the father of June, who is about to marry Karls son. When it comes to politics, Henrys views are opposite of Karls and they often start to argue when they meet.Because of Karls views and bad temper the rest of the family have kept it a secret that his son William has joined the Army. At the dinner Karl is told about this and reacts as expected with an outburst. He leaves the apartment in anger, but tries to persuade his son to change his mind the following day. Miller is interested when he hears that the famously wealthy Henry is soon to be related to Karl, and wants to meet up with him. ........

Source: Wikipedia