Friendship Thai also known as Friendship You and Me is a 2008 Thai RomanticDrama Teen Film starring Mario Maurer and Apinya Sakuljaroensuk Ploy directed by Chatchai Naksuriya. The film is around 1972 setting and is about Singha and Mitunas endless love for each other. The film starts with the present and goes back to the past of their high school days.
From that time on, Singha had been stalking Mituna because he wanna know where she lived. He asked forgiveness to her but Mituna did not want to talk to him. Singhas group together with Jazz and Kanda asked Mitunas mom to have Mituna be part of their project. They went upcountry and helped educate kids by giving them handouts and others. In a bonfire that night, Singha opened up his feelings by telling his most and second most favorite flower whom he referred as Mituna.Mitunas pal and Singhas group became close to each other and helped fix Mitunas house. The group goes out together in resort and the skate club. Until, Singha and Mituna had fallen in love with each other. Lam was killed by Kong that brings sorrow to the group. Singha gave Mituna a paper to sign for their friendship book. She went home and had known that they had to move upcountry. In the final exam day, Mituna lied to Singha by telling him that she had to go upcountry for few days. After taking the last exam, she left a note to Singha that they would talk on the result day. ........
Source: Wikipedia