Garden State is a 2004 American comedydrama film written and directed by Zach Braff and starring Natalie Portman, Peter Sarsgaard, Ian Holm and Braff himself. The film centers on Andrew Largeman Braff, a 26yearold actorwaiter who returns to his hometown in New Jersey after his mother dies. Braff based the film on his real life experiences. It was filmed in April and May 2003 and released on July 28, 2004. New Jersey was the main setting and primary shooting location. Garden State received positive reviews upon its release and has garnered a cult following. It was an official selection of the Sundance Film Festival. The film also spawned a soundtrack for which Braff, who picked the music himself, won a Grammy Award.
Andrew leaves Los Angeles and returns home to New Jersey to attend the funeral. He recognizes the gravediggers as old friends Mark Sarsgaard and Dave Alex Burns, who invite him to a party that night. At home, his father gets Andrew a doctors appointment for headaches hes been having.Later that night, Andrew goes to the party where he meets up with Mark, Dave and Jesse Armando Riesco, an old friend who has just earned a fortune after creating silent Velcro. After smoking marijuana and taking ecstasy at the party he still remains detached. ........
Source: Wikipedia