Garo: Red Requiem

Garo Red Requiem GARO RED REQUIEM ? is a 2010 Japanese 3D film directed by Keita Amemiya, produced by Tohokushinsha Film, and based on their tokusatsu series Garo. It was released in theaters on October 30, 2010. Ryosei Konishi reprises his role from the television series, while introducing new characters such as the one portrayed by Mary Matsuyama. Mika Hijii, who portrayed Kaoru in the original series, returns to voice a different character.

Kouga Saezima travels to a city from his childhood after receiving orders to hunt down the Horror Karma, an ancient female Horror who is one of the infamous Apostle Horrors. By that time, Karmas followers, Kurusu and Shion set up base in a gothic club called Crime to satisfy their mistresss appetite by bringing her various girls and lure them into her realm with false promises of making their dreams a reality. As Kouga arrives, ignoring the memories he has of it, a Makai Priestess named Rekka also arrives in the city and aids a pair of Makai Priests named Akaza and Shiguto in saving a baby from a Horror posing as a mother. However, Kouga arrives and reveals the baby to be a Horror that Zaruba identifies as the cannibalistic Apostle Horror Babel. Though Rekka meddles in the fight, Kouga managed to kept her aside before donning his armor and slaying Babel. As he leaves, Kouga is approached by Akaza as he introduces him and his associates to him and Zaruba. When Kouga reveals his mission to find and destroy Karma, Rekka reveals having a personal vendetta against Horror and refuses to allow anyone to rob her of her chance to kill the fiend. However, Kouga and Zaruba are unable to find Karma despite the evil presence they are feeling around the city.The following day, Kouga find Rekka playing her flute, a Madou Brush, and learns how Rekka became a Makai Priestess so she can hunt Horrors. But Kouga reminded her that Horrorhunting are the duties of Makai Knights, not hers as a Makai Priestess Rekka argued thats only a rule for their convenience as they are no female Makai Knights. But Zaruba argued the Makai Knights were created because the Makai Priests alone are incapable of handling the Horrors. As Rekka walks off after sealing Zarubas mouth after finding him irritating, her intentions remind Kouga of his time training under a Makai Knight named Kengi. Deciding to find leads on Karma, Kouga arrives to Akazas shop for aid. However, the Makai Priests have no clue on Karm

Source: Wikipedia