George W. Harkins

George W. Harkins was an attorney and prominent chief of the Choctaw tribe during the Indian removals. Elected as principal chief after the national council deposed his maternal uncle, Greenwood LeFlore, in 1834 Harkins was elected judge of the Red River District in Indian Territory. In 1850, he was chosen as chief of the Apukshunnubbee District of the Choctaw Nation, where he served until 1857.

George Washington Harkins was born into a highstatus Choctaw clan through his mother, Louisa Lusony LeFlore. His father was John Harkins, a European American. His oldest maternal uncle, traditionally the most important mentor to a boy child, was Greenwood LeFlore, chief of the Choctaw. Harkins learned from both his cultures, but identified as Choctaw first and foremost.

Source: Wikipedia