Ghost Train (2006 film)

Ghost Train , otoshimono? is a Japanese horror film released in 2006. It was the first Japanese film that was released in Korea before Japan.citation needed

Nanas classmate, Kanae Fujita, receives a bracelet from her boyfriend that turns out to be a useless trinket. When she confronts her boyfriend at the subway station that night, he is possessed and chokes her. Kanae kicks him to the railway right when the spirit leaves him and a train appears. Before he dies, he tells her to beware of Yaeko. When Kanae visits the station again, Yaekos spirit chases her until she bumps into Nana. Deciding to tackle the mystery together, the two agree to meet at the station the next day, but Nana unexpectedly has to attend her sick mother at the hospital. Alone at the station, Kanae is almost hit by a train until a hand saves her at the last second.Believing Kanae dead, Nana demands more information about Yaeko from Kuga, who reveals that Yaeko is a pregnant woman who gave birth to her baby right after she was hit by a train. She died, but the status of the baby is unknown. Meanwhile, Kanae wakes up to the woman who had rescued her. The woman tells her that she wants revenge against Yaeko as her son suffered the same fate as Takeshis disappearing, only to return when he was no longer himself. Kanae contacts Nana to assure her that she is fine and the two will meet at the station. The woman agrees to drive Kanae to the station, but along the way, the car is hijacked by Yaeko and stops right in the middle of a railway. The woman manages to escape, but Kanae is not so lucky. She asks the woman to save Nana before a train hits the car. ........

Source: Wikipedia