Ghost is a 1990 American romantic fantasy thriller film starring Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, Tony Goldwyn, and Whoopi Goldberg. It was written by Bruce Joel Rubin and directed by Jerry Zucker.
Sam Wheat Patrick Swayze, a banker, and Molly Jensen Demi Moore, a potter, are a couple who renovate and move into an apartment in New York City with the help of Sams friend and coworker Carl Bruner Tony Goldwyn. One afternoon, Sam discovers unusually high balances in obscure bank accounts, but despite Carls offer to help investigate, Sam decides to investigate on his own. That night while walking home together Sam and Molly are mugged by a street thug who pulls a gun and demands Sams wallet. Sam struggles with the attacker and is shot. After pursuing the street thug, Sam runs back to Molly and seeing her crying over his dead body discovers that he has died from the gunshot and has become a ghost. Sam stays by the distraught Molly, trying to come to grips with his new condition, when Carl comes over and suggests Molly take a walk with him. Sam cannot bring himself to follow.Moments later, the mugger enters the empty apartment and commences searching for something. When Molly returns, Sam scares their cat into attacking the thug, who flees. Sam follows the mugger to his apartment in Brooklyn and learns that the mans name is Willie Lopez and that Willie intends to return later to continue the search. ........
Source: Wikipedia