
GoldenEye 1995 is the seventeenth spyfi film in the James Bond series, and the first to star Pierce Brosnan as the fictional MI6 officer James Bond. The film was directed by Martin Campbell and is the first film in the series not to take story elements from the works of novelist Ian Fleming. The story was conceived and written by Michael France, with later collaboration by other writers. In the film, Bond fights to prevent an exMI6 agent, gone rogue, from using a satellite against London in order to cause global financial meltdown.

In 1986, MI6 officers James Bondagent 007and his close friend Alec Trevelyanagent 006infiltrate an illicit Soviet chemical weapons facility in Arkhangelsk and plant explosives. Trevelyan is caught and shot by Colonel Arkady Ourumov, but Bond is able to flee as the facility explodes.Nine years later, in 1995, Bond arrives in Monte Carlo to follow Xenia Onatopp, a suspected member of the Janus crime syndicate, who has formed a suspicious relationship with a Royal Canadian Navy admiral. Onatopp kills the admiral, by crushing his ribs with her thighs during sex, to allow nowGeneral Ourumov to steal his identity and use it to steal a Eurocopter Tiger helicopter that can withstand electromagnetic pulses. They fly it to a bunker in Severnaya, Siberia, where they massacre the staff and steal the control disk for GoldenEye, a Soviet weapon from the Cold War that uses electromagnetic energy. They program the GoldenEye satellite to destroy the complex with a pulse, and escape with programmer Boris Grishenko. Natalya Simonova, the lone survivor, contacts Grishenko and arranges to meet him in St. Petersburg, where he betrays her to Janus. ........

Source: Wikipedia