Good Morning (film)

Good Morning , Ohay? is a 1959 comedy film by Japanese director Yasujir Ozu. It is a loose remake of his own 1932 silent film I Was Born, But..., and is Ozus second film in color.

The film steers into a subplot concerning the local womens club monthly dues. Everyone in the neighborhood club believes that Mrs Hayashi, the treasurer, has given the dues to the chairwoman, Mrs Haraguchi Haruko Sugimura, but Mrs Haraguchi denies it. They gossip amongst themselves who could have taken the money, and speculate that Mrs Haraguchi could have used the money to buy for herself a new washing machine. Later Mrs Haraguchi confronts Mrs Hayashi for starting the rumor and ruining her reputation, but Mrs Hayashi states that she has indeed handed the dues money to Haraguchis mother. Only later does Mrs Haraguchi realize it was her mistake her mother being quite senile and forgetful, and she goes to apologize.The boys are all attracted to a neighbors house because they have a television set, where they can watch their favorite sumo wrestling matches. At the time of the films release in Japan, the medium was rapidly gaining popularity. However, their conservative parents forbid them to visit their bohemian neighbors because the wife is thought to be a cabaret singer. ........

Source: Wikipedia