Goran Bregovi%C4%87

Goran Bregovi is a Bosnian musician and one of the most internationally known modern musicians and composers of the Balkans. He left Bosnia and Herzegovina before the Bosnian War. Recently, he announced his official return to Sarajevo and set up a Roma education foundation.

Born in Sarajevo, PR BosniaHerzegovina, FPR Yugoslavia to a Croat father Franjo Bregovi and Serb mother Borka Perii, Goran grew up with an older sister Dajana and a younger brother Predrag. Their father was from Croatian Zagorje, specifically Sveti Petar vrstec village near Krievci, while their mother was born in Virovitica to parents that shortly before her birth arrived in the nearby village of emernica, settling there from the village of Kazanci near Gacko in eastern Herzegovina. Her father, Gorans maternal grandfather, fought in the Serbian Army at the Thessaloniki Front during World War I and as a reward received land in Slavonia where he soon moved his family.

Source: Wikipedia